Reef Point Management stives to contribute to the
collaborative culture of the EtA community.
We hope you find the following resources helpful.
collaborative culture of the EtA community.
We hope you find the following resources helpful.
Indication of Intent (IOI) Template
Based on Appendix A of HBR Guide to Buying a Small Business by Richard S. Ruback and Royce Yudkoff Letter of Intent (LOI) Template Based on Appendix B of HBR Guide to Buying a Small Business by Richard S. Ruback and Royce Yudkoff Working Capital Adjustment Blog Post from In The Trenches A normal amount of working capital should be part of every EtA deal, but it's often hard to get the seller to understand that. Brokers often contribute to this knowledge deficiency, listing deals with "no A/R or A/P included". Steve Divitkos of In the Trenches provides a great summary in the linked blog post. Enjoy... and share with your counterparties! Industry Analysis by Profit and Competitiveness (coming soon) provides IBIS World Industry reports to its users. This spreadsheet compiles the profit margin, level of competitiveness, and the competitive trend for each industry. Data was compiled during the last half of 2021 and first half of 2022 and will not be updated thereafter. Even so, the linked report should provide a good sense of how industries stack up against one another. |